How are you looking after your mental health?
And Autumn it is! It is now time to harvest the fruits of the summer (new ideas, new projects, new relationships or simply your home-grown food). This is a time for abundance and celebration. Enjoy it. Every minute of it. But if you are, in any way, affected by a mental health condition, the change […]
How is fear affecting your life?
Fear is a curious emotion, don’t you think? It comes in all shapes and sizes. We fear for our health, and stop doing what will make us feel better. We fear for our loved ones, and a part of us wants to keep them ‘safe and protected’ which will obviously, stop them from learning how […]
What part of your truth is in your story?
Growing up, I liked to invent stories. I would write and write until the pain, I was suffering, disappeared. As an adult, I must admit that sometimes I have found myself doing the same thing: inventing stories to block the pain of unpleasant experiences. I am not talking about telling lies to loved ones or […]
How is your inner child reacting to the lockdown?
I hope this finds you well and that you and your loved ones are safe in these unprecedented times. I like to see the current situation as an opportunity to look at pains and joys in our lives, that we could no longer notice After a couple of days sorting out the logistics of staying […]