GAIA Healing Workshops

GAIA, the Earth Element ray, is the foundation frequency for the Eternal Light energies, and the basis for working with all the other Rays of the Eternal Light healing system.

This initiation opens up the higher chakras so that one becomes a purechannel for the highest Eternal Light healing energies.

There is no experience needed to take this class. Anybody can learn GAIA. You only need to be open to receiving.

GAIA is great for self-healiing and personal growth.

Each Gaia attunement helps you let go of old patterns, balance emotions, find more inner peace and heal the true cause of illenss and disease, raising you to a higher vibrational frequency.

There are two levels of GAIA:


GAIA Advanced

There are few GAIA Masters in the UK that hold regular workshops every year. I work in London.

Taking the GAIA I class is an important step in your own healing journey.

The class will run for a whole day (depending on the number of students).

What to expect?

Each student will be individually attuned to the frequencies of GAIA.

  • You will practice how to scan the chakras and Light Bodies
  • Receive and give a full healing session
  • Practice self healing techniques
  • Enjoy guided meditations

After the class, ongoing support is available, so there will always be someone to answer your questions.

This is for you if you:

  • Interested in learning healing?
  • Would you like to get a different understanding of how energy works?
  • Would you like to be able to use high vibrational planetary energies to heal yourself, your children, friends, family and situations?
  • Want to heal a physical or emotional long standing issue?

Upcoming Workshops in London

I am an Eternal Light Gaia Teacher and will be holding regular atunement workshops in London.

Gaia I - Sunday 8th June 2025 (contact me to register your interest)

A deposit to secure your place is needed 2 weeks before the workshop (non refundable unless workshop cancelled)

If you don't live in the UK, or can't make it on the date but you are interested in taking this workshop, please Contact me. We might be able to make other arrangements to suit your needs.