Karmic clearing sessions

Life is about learning.

We speak here of our soul journey. We have chosen to go through different experiences in each incarnation in order to learn whichever issues we had agreed on at a soul level. Sometimes the lessons were not easy and left scars.

We might carry unresolved issues or trauma from different lifetimes that is now, creating a blockage, making it very difficult to move forward. Or maybe you had recognised a core pattern of your personality that you cannot explain and does not help you in your journey.

If this resonates with you, I can hold your hand during a Karmic Clearing session and help you release all that no longer serves you. I can help you name your pain and transmute it for your highest divine good.

This is a very private inner journey supported by the Ascended Masters and the Angelic Realm in which I am only a channel.

If you are interested in this sessions and we have not worked together before, please book a 15 minutes free phone consultation to discuss your needs and determine whether this is the best way forward.