Alta Major Chakra

The Alta Major chakra is an energy centre located at the base of the skull.

Ancient traditions call it 'the mouth of God' / ‘the mouth of the Goddess’ as it is the centre of Divine Inspiration or intuition. Also it does store past lives information.

As it happens with the rest of the chakras, there is a physical counterpart, which old spiritual traditions identify as the Atlas bone. When the atlas is misaligned the amount of Light coming into this chakra is very limited.

Pradma Aon Prakasha, in his book 'The Power of Shakti. 18 Pathways to ignite the energy of the Divine Woman' Destiny books, 2009 , describes beautifully the relation between alta major chakra, atlas alignment and the flow of energy in all that we are.

For further reading about the intimate relation between the atlas and the alta major, please click here.

Artwork by Irene Cena

As the energies of the planet change in vibration, so do we. I find that more and more sensitive people are starting to feel an unusual sensation in this energy center. if this is your case, try centering yourself and breathing in and out the nape of your skull to dissolve any blockages, clear the channels and start welcoming a new level of guidance.

If you would like to work deeper on this chakra, I offer a 1-2-1 Alta major attunement session. This initiation can be performed remotely and received from the comfort of your home. Contact me with any questions.

What clients say:

The attunement felt like a gentle energetic pull on my spine, aligning me, after which I felt an immediate connection to the Light that went right through my spinal cord .M.R.

"A profound healing and clearing experience "


Chakra attunements available on line the second week of every month.