Fallow land

There is a loneliness in the creative process.

We have an idea or a strong guidance that we feel compelled to follow. We meditate, do the work and then… there is a silence. It seems that all stands still. ‘There is a block’, we think. And we feel a void between what we want and the place where we are.
What is really happening?

Part of the process consists in amplifying our capacity to hold. We need to grow “bigger hands” to be able to hold all the abundance that we are creating.
This capacity to hold can become a challenge if there is a wounded child inside us.

a child that learnt they were never worthy of attention (you will never succeed),
a child that learnt that good things always happen to others (you do not deserve this)
a child that learnt that it is not safe to receive (you are putting yourself in danger).What is really happening?

It is essential to look at this child, hold them, keep them safe. No one can do this for you.

The next time you feel stuck in your creative process, try to see it as a sign of the Universe treating you like fallow land. The universe is providing you with a time of nourishment and healing in that area of your life that needs it.

Allow that child to resurface during your fallow time, love them, see them, set them free.
And see the void disappearing.