Food glorious food! When the food you eat does not hold your soul, it cannot hold your body (part 2)

Lucy (not her real name) was a new client. She came to me after working on her diet for a couple of years. She had made incredible progress and her health had improved exponentially.
However, she could not explain why after eating this one --very healthy- dish, her body will react to it in different ways, ranging from a skin rash to palpitations. She said that she had no problem eating all the ingredients in the recipe in other dishes, just not this one.

When I asked her about the ingredients, her energy transformed to that of a little girl. It was a dish that her grandmother used to make for her in special occasions.

During the session, we uncovered that she ate it on the day of a very traumatic event. Her body was reliving a forgotten trauma with every bite, hence the skin rash, the nausea, the palpitations…
Have you had a similar experience?
The thing is that we all have strong feelings about food. Whether you follow a specific diet, eat a bit of everything or do regular cleanses. Food keeps us alive and sometimes it is just the only thing that we can control.
So what to do?
Next time you make a food choice, I invite you to consider your body and your emotions. I invite you to talk to your soul and talk to your food. But above all, I invite you to hold the thought that change and healing are possible.
You were never meant to do this alone.
We have your back.