How are you looking after your mental health?

And Autumn it is!
It is now time to harvest the fruits of the summer (new ideas, new projects, new relationships or simply your home-grown food). This is a time for abundance and celebration. Enjoy it. Every minute of it.
But if you are, in any way, affected by a mental health condition, the change of season can also be incredibly challenging.
We are connected to this planet on more ways that we remember.

As a child, I had the chance to observe the behaviour of several people with mental health issues in my own household, ranging from depression, post-traumatic stress disorder to schizophrenia.

As a child, I knew that the days around the equinox or solstice were the time for possible / very probable acute episodes of their illnesses. A change of wind, a sudden hot day, unexpected torrential rain…
This experience gave me a thirst for understanding mental health, that stays with me to this day.
It is also true, that at some point in our lives, there might be a situation that unroots us from our bodies, and creates so much noise in our mind that we need time and care to comeback.
This is OK.

No one is immune to mental health issues. In the same way that we care for our bodies, we need to care for our minds.
The right nutrition, exercise, and support can make a big difference in the quality of life of those affected, temporarily or chronically, by mental health issues. Regular Eternal Light healing treatments and the appropriate combination of Flower and gem essences can also be very beneficial.
Do not ignore the symptoms.
Reach out for support, we can hold a safe space for you to heal.