There is a crack in the wall

It feels like if I were surrounded by a thick wall that stops me from really understanding what is going on outside me and at the same time prevents me from feeling what is going on inside me. It has been there so long that I can no longer see it’.

She described it perfectly.

Can you feel your wall?
Whether you grew up with an unpredictable adult in your household, had to shut down your intuition to fit in at school or there was no one to hold you when you cried, your younger self learnt soon to build up a wall of protection that kept you safe.

But one day you felt a crack in the wall. You might have got in touch with your intuition unexpectedly, or maybe started having flashbacks or vivid dreams about repressed memories.

This is all good news.

When this happens, know that your adult self can now deal with the wounds of your past, and they are ready to parent every one of the aspects of your inner child. It might be scary, it might seem overwhelming, but you are ready to integrate every part of your being.

As the wall breaks a little more every day, something magical happens:

You take your power back.

I see another crack in my wall, and it is great news.

How is yours?