Eternal Light healing- questions answered

What is Eternal Light / Gaia healing? How many sessions will I need to heal, to feel well, to sleep better? How would I feel after a session? Will my pain go? Will I forgive those who, I feel, wronged me when I was a child, will I be able to move forward? Is this modality only for people that are very spiritual?

These are some of the questions I have been asked this past week. In truth, we all have different journeys and after experiencing the same situation, we all have a different view of what happened.

Eternal Light is a system of healing energies of a very high vibration - an octave higher than Reiki - that comprises 15 different frequencies, each with unique qualities, being Gaia the foundation of this system. We live in her land, don't we? It makes sense.

These energies carry divine intelligence, so they only come through for the highest good of the person that comes for healing.

In order to keep this system as clear as possible, all the Eternal Light / Gaia healers are asked to work only with these frequencies. This means that when you choose an Eternal Light / Gaia healer, the energies you receive will be pure.

At the beginning of my journey, I used to practice on my children, giving them a short healing session just before bed time. At age 7, one of them described Gaia as Love. 'It feels like when you give me a hug, all the time, even if your hands don't touch me'.

I work with people from all walks of life, different belief systems, different ages and in different situations.They all have something in common, though, they are all open to receiving.

Finally, with so many different healing modalities available, how do you know that Eternal Light /Gaia healing is for you? I advise that you go within, and follow your intuition. If it feels right, it probably is.

Wishing you a healing day.