Alta major chakra, Atlasprofilax and spiritual growth

There is a point in the nape of your neck, where your spine and your skull meet. If, very gently, you trace, with your fingertips up your cervical spine, you will find it. It is a tender point where, in most cases, another person’s touch feels invasive. This is where the Alta major chakra is located.

Some spiritual traditions call this point ‘the mouth of God’ / ‘the mouth of the Goddess’. It is a doorway to a higher consciousness, to your Higher Self, an important piece in your ascension process. And it is intimately connected with your atlas bone or C-1. We know that a mis-aligned atlas will have an effect on the amount of Light that this chakra receives.

As a very sensitive person, my experience with AtlasPROfilax® was very intense. This is the word that best describes this treatment.

In 2008, I saw a brochure, contacted a practitioner and had the treatment within a few days. My body started realigning from the second I stood up after the application and for the first time in my life, it did not feel fragile. But what I thought was only a physical alignment, had an unexpected effect.
During the month following the treatment, I knew I needed to integrate the changes happening in my body with healing sessions. There was far too much activity in my energy field (that was suddenly visible to me) and I felt I needed support. I had already started studies into Eternal Light healing, so I knew this was the right frequency for me.

'An aligned atlas. allows your body to better support you'

The connection with my guidance felt easier, I could go into a meditative state effortlessly and I felt a sense of expansion, purpose and clarity unknown to me before the treatment. I felt full of Light. I started asking questions within, daring to make big decisions. I was meant to do this work and support others. And so I did.
Eventually I found out about the intimate relation between Atlasprofilax and the alta major chakra when years later, a client found me after reading the'The Power of Shakti. 18 Pathways to ignite the energy of the Divine Woman' by Pradma Aon Prakasha, Destiny books, 2009.
AtlasPROfilax® is a neuromuscular massage technique that focuses on the short muscles of the neck - the suboccipital muscles - that surround and stabilize the head joints (base of the skull, atlas and axis vertebras).
Atlasprofilax might be able to help you if are experiencing any of the following:

Scoliosis or hip misalignment
You feel that you need to 'hold' your head in the right position
You have repetitive headaches that 'start on the nape of your skull'
You experience a sense of constant general discomfort
When you sit to meditate you feel tension in the alta major area
You would like to connect more clearly to your intuition/ higher self

Whatever your reason, do get in touch. We can support you. You are in the right place.